An innovative team offering project management and estimating services to project owners, designers, and project contractor. With years of industry knowledge and experience, we specialize in street lighting, transit. traffic signals, infrastructure, smart city, and specialized projects.

We aim to bridge the gap between project contractors and project owner, with our suite of services, to make any project in the utility sector a success.

electrical lighting contractors

Project Management

electrical lighting contractors


electrical lighting contractors


electrical installation and maintenance

Project Inception

electrical installation and maintenance


Experienced, knowledgeable in the utility sector providing best in class customer experience to deliver your next project successfully.

For your next project, let The Contractor be your partner in organizing, planning, design assist and manage your next project successfully.


Steeles Ave East Grade Separation
Main scope: The construction of a new underpass, stations, transit infrastructure and revitalization of Steeles.

Specific scope: Toronto hydro, traffic signals, Bell, Cogeco, Rogers and street lighting temporary and permanent infrastructure.
Metrolinx – Stouffville Corridor Expansion
Main scope: Site works and new track installation and utility infrastructure.

Specific scope: Power and communication utility infrastructure along the corridor.
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Waterfront – Queens Quay Revitalization
Main scope: The redevelopment of Queens Quay from Yo Yo Ma Lane to Bay Street

Specific scope: Reconstruction and relocation of Bell, Toronto Hydro, traffic signals, street lighting, TTC poles and infrastructure
TTC - Leslie Street Redevelopment with Pomerleau
Main scope: to build Ashbridges Bay new TTC servicing building and new streetcar tracks. Specific scope: The installation of Toronto Hydro street lighting, City of Toronto traffic signals and Bell infrastructure, redevelop the landscape, roadway and pedestrian thoroughfare. Specific scope: The installation of TTC poles, Bell infrastructure, City of Toronto traffic signals, Toronto Hydro Street light and large TTC DC cable installation.
Infrastructure Ontario – West Don Lands “Pan Am Games Athletes’ Village”
Main scope: Early site works, installation of utilities and roadway.

Specific scope: Temporary and permanent traffic signals and roadway lighting
TTC – Bloor Danforth Subway Line Open Cut Lighting Victoria Park to Warden Station
Scope: To install new messenger cable system, with lighting along the tracks between Victoria Park and Warden Station.

Let us partner with you on your next smart city, utility and transit project